COB Certified Digital Marketing Manager - Online Edition

Can be taken anytime
Course Type
Professional Training Course
Yes (Details)

Course Overview

Your online lessons, powerful guides and workbooks will give you the following learning:

  • Digital Advertising Strategy, Email Marketing & Emerging Technologies
  • Content Strategy & Customer Experience
  • Pay-Per-Click Advertising & Analytics
  • Social Media Marketing & Networking
  • Review, Exercises and Exams

Who should take this course

Digital Marketing Managers and Directors, Marketing Department Directors and Managers, Senior Marketing Team Members


COB Certified Digital Marketing Manager

Course content

From Learning to Action:

During and / or further to the course, subscribers and delegates are encouraged to:

  • Assess and contribute to the improvement of your organizations email marketing, social media marketing, SEO and digital advertising activities
  • Develop or work collaboratively to develop creative marketing and advertising campaigns to engage your target audiences to buy, subscribe and interact
  • Develop an effective digital advertising plan, to maximize return-on-investment
  • Develop an effective social media game plan™ to support branding, enhance your reputation and support sales generation
  • Build and manage an effective multi-channel marketing team, or contribute as part of that team
  • Select and work effectively with resources including staff, artificial intelligence, suppliers and partners
  • Lead or contribute to the enhancement of corporate or brand web sites to maximize online engagement, usability and sales

About Course Provider

Digital Skills Authority is a global digital and digital business skills awarding body and publisher incorporated in UK & USA that develops, licenses and accredits high-impacting training certification programs that enable organisations to be successful with using digital. We have two series of certifications programs 'The Certificate in Online Business Series' from team to board level certifications in E-Commerce, Digital Business and Marketing, and our Master in Digital Management Program. Digital Skills Authority's Professional Diploma Series focus on more technical and future skills qualifications in areas such as Internet-of-Things, Virtual Worlds, Coding and Analysis, Artificial Intelligence and more.

How to enroll?

Provide us with your contact details, course provider will get back to you.

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