INDEX Conferences & Exhibitions Careers

INDEX Conferences & Exhibitions careers & jobs

About INDEX Conferences & Exhibitions

Established in 1991, INDEX Conferences & Exhibitions, is a leading national company specialized in events management. Over the years, INDEX Conferences and Exhibitions has organized a range of events in various fields that included Medical, Economic, Industrial, Academic, Trade, Investment, Business and many others.

In 2016, INDEX Conferences & Exhibitions opened a new branch in Abu Dhabi, the capital of the UAE. This branch was an addition to a series of successful enterprises that INDEX has endeavored since its inception. Through its new branch, INDEX transferred its expertise in organizing international conferences and exhibitions to Abu Dhabi by organizing a number of elite events in Abu Dhabi National Exhibitions Company "ADNEC".

Today, as a fully integrated event management company, INDEX provides all types of events' services and facilities that include Event Marketing & PR, Innovative Design, Financial Planning and Control, Complete Registration Services, Education and Scientific Program Planning, Venue Management, Total Website Solutions, Sponsorship, Exhibition Sales, Planning and Construction, Logistics and Shipping Management, and Hospitality services.

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