Germany, - Munich
Dates flexible
Course Type
Professional Training Course
Yes (Details)

Course Overview

This course provides several easy-to-use soft skills techniques that can be employed in establishing rapport with others strengthening relationships and avoiding common conversational traps. In particular the course covers areas such as probing and understanding other people's perceptions understanding intentions and their impact taking responsibility and avoiding blame. During this course delegates learn to manage their emotions better so that these emotions don't leak or burst into conversations at the wrong moment. Techniques are provided to manage difficult conversations and to avoid getting trapped in a psychological game going back and forth on certain points rather than moving forward to focus on underlying issues or concerns.

Who should take this course

For everyone at every level lookingto improve their communication skills with others.



Course content

Module 1 - Understanding Stories:

  • How do you perceive the world?
  • How do you make stories to make sense of what goes around you?
  • How do these stories come to define your behaviours?
  • How can you use story analysis to improve your communication with others?

Module 2 - Intention Analysis:

  • What are the two common mistakes made when considering intentions?
  • How to avoid these mistakes
  • What is the relationship between intentions and their impact and how should you respond to them?
  • How should you handle intentions to get the best results?
  • What is the best way to share your intentions with others?

Module 3 - Avoiding Blame:

  • What is the Cycle of Blame and Disengagement?
  • What is bad about blaming others when things go wrong?
  • What should you do instead when things go wrong?
  • How to avoid blaming others

Module 4 - Feelings:

  • If you feel strongly about something how should you express yourself?
  • What happens if you dont share your feelings with others?
  • Should you bury your feelings and get rid of them?
  • Should you vent them or should you deal with them?
  • How can you use a simple formula in conversations to easily share your feelings with others?

Module 4 - Difficult Conversations:

  • What is the best way to express your dissatisfaction with someone?
  • How to analyse implicit messages in what you say or is said to you
  • What is the impact of these implicit messages on people and their long term relationships?
  • How the 4-Steps Conversation Technique can significantly improve the quality of your conversations

Module 5 - Psychological Games:

  • Why people get stuck in circular arguments and feel they should not give in to others?
  • How can you break this cycle and improve your communication skills?
  • What is the & Drama Trianglerand how can it be used to improve your communication with others?

About Course Provider

London Training for Excellence offer a wide range of training courses in London for organisations and individuals who wish to advance their skills and knowledge in the business world. With a great training centre in London, London TFE have everything that is needed to understand the basic needs of a business. Each course focuses on the ‘real-life’ issues a business could face and how to tackle them with ease.

London TFE have a team of enthusiastic leaders and instructors who share a passion for education and want to deliver that same passion to every individual who wish to take a business to succession. Each training courses London encourages individual to aim high and reach their full potential.