Nakilat Careers

Nakilat careers & jobs

Qatar Gas Transport Company Ltd. (known as Nakilat, which means carriers in Arabic) is a Qatari-listed shipping company established by the State of Qatar to own, operate and manage LNG vessels and to provide shipping and marine-related services to a range of participants within the Qatari hydrocarbon sector. Nakilat is an integral component of the supply chain of some of the largest, most advanced energy projects in the world undertaken by Qatar Petroleum, Qatargas, RasGas and their joint venture partners for the State of Qatar.

Nakilat was established in 2004 and is a joint stock company owned 50% by its founding shareholders and 50% by the public. Nakilat owns 54 LNG vessels, making it the largest LNG ship owner in the world. Our fleet of vessels transport LNG produced from Qatars North Field, the worlds largest non-associated gas field with approximately 15% of the worlds total proven reserves to global markets. These vessels, ordered from Korean shipyards, incorporate the latest technology for safe, reliable and cost-effective transportation of LNG.


Software (3)

HR (2)

Network Admin (1)

HSE (1)
