Chief Accountant

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Employment: Full Time

• Perform global month-end accounting activities such as reconciliations and journal entries.
• Manage the entire financial closing and preparation of financials as per the auditors’ format.
• Coordinate with the finance team to complete assigned accounting tasks within deadlines.
• Evaluate automated accounting systems and provide recommendations to tech team for performance improvements.
• Support in automation upgrade designs and projects to enhance reporting.
• Generate financial reports and statements to Managers for review department wise.
• Analyze financial discrepancies and recommend effective resolutions.
• Monitor expenditures, analyze revenues and determine budget variances and report the same to management.
• Respond to accounting inquiries from management in a timely fashion.
• Provide guidance to other accountants when needed.
• Assist in budget preparation and expense management activities for assigned accounts.
• Assist in auditing activities by providing necessary information and preparing requested documentations.
• Monitor and record financial transactions according to company policies and regulations.
• Review and recommend changes to existing accounting procedures.
• Perform financial analysis and reporting to management as needed.


• University Qualifications: Masters in Financial Reporting & Accounting
• Other certifications obtained: ACCA
• Nature and length of previous experience: More than 3 years experience in financial month end group closing and financial reporting knowledge in UAE, KSA, UK, USA, IND, SG & AUS.
• Specialist knowledge: Advanced Excel, Power BI, SAP, Oracle, QB, ZERO.
• Current Location: UAE


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