Certificate Program In Text And Web Analytics

Can be taken anytime
Course Type
Professional Training Course
$298 $268 only

Course Overview

Certificate Program in Text and Web Analytics is one of the key requisites in any large organization. The time is at its best for someone to take up a career in this domain. Enormous opportunities and extreme dearth in getting candidates force large organizations go helter-skelter. It is imperative that career seekers grab this opportunity.

Who should take this course

This course is designed for the following professionals:

  • Entry to senior level managers
  • Entry to senior level techinical leaders

Course content

Learners are required to complete 3 months of faculty led Online mode.

The following are the subjects covered:

Text Analytics - Basics of text analysis processes - Web crawling - Web Scraping from downloaded html files - Text classification - Singular Value decomposition concept - Latent Semantic Analysis - Document clustering - Topic Modeling - Class Assignments - Presentation

Web Analytics - Introduction to Digital Media Analytics - Introduction to Google Analytics - Concept of Account, Property and View - Concept of Sessions and Users - Concept of Dimension, Metric and Segment - Reading a Google Analytics Report - Audience Analytics - Acquisition Analytics - Behaviour Analytics - Real-Time Analytics - Setting Up and Analysing Events - Intelligent Events - Setting Up and Analysing Experiments - Setting Up and Measuring Conversion Goals - Attribution Modelling - Segment Reporting - Designing Custom Reports - Introduction to Google Adwords - Search Marketing - Display Marketing - Google Adwords Analytics - Managing a Google Analytics Account

R Programming - R Programming - Introduction to R - I - Introduction to R - II - Common Data Structures in R - Conditional Operation and Loops - Looping in R using Apply Family Functions - Creating User Defined Functions in R - Graphics with R - Advanced Graphics with R

Python - Understanding Basics of Python - Control Structures and for loop - Playing with while loop | break and continue - Strings and files - List - Dictionary and Tuples

About Course Provider

361DM is a learning science and digital education-oriented company run by professionals with over 2 decades of experience in the tech-enabled learning industry. 361DM works with corporate, institutions, universities across the world, and has designed and delivered learning programs to over 100000 students and executives in the last decade. We help higher education institutions and corporate organizations architect a robust digital strategy.