Process Engineer

9% Complete (success)

9% of users took this path

Chemical Engineer

6% Complete (success)

6% of users took this path

HSE Officer

3% Complete (success)

3% of users took this path

Assistant Chemist

3% Complete (success)

3% of users took this path

Customer Service Representative

2% Complete (success)

2% of users took this path

Production Engineer

2% Complete (success)

2% of users took this path

Field Operator

1% Complete (success)

1% of users took this path

Maintenance Engineer

1% Complete (success)

1% of users took this path

Plant Operator

1% Complete (success)

1% of users took this path

Production Operator

1% Complete (success)

1% of users took this path

Service Engineer

1% Complete (success)

1% of users took this path

Technical Engineer

1% Complete (success)

1% of users took this path

Sales Assistant

1% Complete (success)

1% of users took this path

Safety Engineer

1% Complete (success)

1% of users took this path

Safety Officer

1% Complete (success)

1% of users took this path

Quality Control Inspector

1% Complete (success)

1% of users took this path

Common entry level jobs for Chemical Engineering graduates based on real world data are Process Engineer, Chemical Engineer, HSE Officer

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