UAE, Abu Dhabi - Duke Training Centre, Tourist Club Area, Abu Dhabi.
Dates flexible (40 hours)
Course Type
Professional Training Course
Yes (Details)

Special prices available

Course Overview

Duke Training Centre offers preparation course for the Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT). This test is required to get admission into a number of management degrees. In this preparation session you will learn to write efficiently with good vocabulary.

You will learn how to evaluate data present in multiple formats and how to perform quantitative reasoning. You will learn how to comprehend written materials and build relationship between them.


ACTVET (Abu Dhabi Center for Technical Vocational Education & Training)

About Course Provider

Duke Training Centre came into working since 2004. This institute has been a pioneer in providing quality technical and practical education in the private sector in UAE. We at the Duke Training Centre are always into providing the options to you for the excellence in your career. Duke Training Centre has an unrivaled notoriety for conveying and composing abilities for preparation that works. Since we began in 2000, we’ve offered more than 30,000 individuals some assistance with producing top notch business tactics, through our courses for groups and people. They get in touch with us from blue-chip organizations, government offices, law offices, colleges, philanthropies and many other practical fields.