Microsoft Office Publisher 2010 - Advanced

Can be taken anytime
Course Type
Professional Training Course
$60 $19 only

Course Overview

Microsoft Office OneNote 2010 is the newest version of Microsoft's note taking software. This course explores all the basics needed to become proficient with OneNote 2010. Whether you're using OneNote for the first time, or have been using it for years, this course will help you make the most of OneNote 2010's new features and interface. Highlights of the course include how to save and manage OneNote files and add shapes, tables, and images to notes. It also covers page templates, changing a page's setup, and how to use, customize, and search for tags. Finally, this course will discuss how to use and customize research tools as well as create outlines in OneNote.

Who should take this course



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We believe that education has the power to change lives, and empowering people through education has always been at the center of what we do.

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