Al Dammam Development Careers

Al Dammam Development careers & jobs

About Al Dammam Development

The Company is owned by a group of Saudi investors who started the company’s business with a vision of expanding the real estate investment. It was established with an objective of developing and managing real estate investments locally and in the GCC countries. Moreover, the company is providing advisory services related to property management. The company was formed after taking into consideration the vast development and growth of industrial projects in the Gulf Region and the high demand of real estate development due to the increase in population.

Recently, the company management has perceived the importance of shifting the company into a different era of business opportunities by focusing on investments at various business activities that will make the company expand internationally. The company persists with the continued provision of quality services and social benefits while maintaining its prime objective of generating high returns to investors. Management believes that the company has achieved most of its objectives through the current diversified portfolio it has and the potential investment opportunities that are under consideration.

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