Kuwait and Middle East Financial Investment (KMEFIC) Careers

About Kuwait and Middle East Financial Investment (KMEFIC)
Kuwait and Middle East Financial Investment Company (KMEFIC), a leading asset management and financial services company was established in January of 1984 by the Bank of Kuwait and the Middle East (BKME) and the Public Institute for Social Security (PIFSS).In 1987 BKME took full ownership of KMEFIC before listing it on the Kuwait Stock Exchange in July of 1997. In 2005, Ahli United Bank (AUB) of Bahrain acquired a 10% stake in KMEFIC while BKME maintains a 48% interest.
Innovation has been and continues to be our core strength. Throughout our history, we have repeatedly demonstrated our ability to identify and introduce unique investment products and services ahead of our peers. These accomplishments have ranged from the launch of a liquid real state fund, to the offering of derivatives on shares listed on the Kuwait Stock Exchange, to offering the ability to trade U.S. and Kuwaiti shares on a single electronic platform.