tayeb bouchahwa

tayeb bouchahwa

Sales Executive, farah jewelry

Dubai, UAE
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Sales Executive

farah jewelry
Jul, 2020 - Present
dubai, UAE

Sales Consultant

Dhamani Jewels
Oct, 2013 - Jun, 2020
dubai, UAE

Sales Executive

Hilton Garden Inn hotel
Sep, 2010 - Sep, 2013
ras al Khaimah, UAE


Bachelor(BSc/BA), diamonds, colored stones and jewelry

GIA (Gemological Institute of America), Dubai, UAE
Jan, 2014 - Aug, 2014

Other, tourism

gulf Tourism Institute, Tunis, Tunisia
Sep, 2009 - Jun, 2010

Bachelor(BSc/BA), business

aljoumhouria high school, Tunis, Tunisia
Sep, 2004 - Jun, 2009

IT Skills

computer skills


Arabic, English, French, Italian, Russian
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