Ref: OP956-190

Job description / Role

Employment: Full Time

The Quality Manager will be responsible for overall planning, performance and monitoring of the Quality Management System and standards of the organization. Furthermore, he will lead the establishment of the ?_Management system and documentation as well as site-based audits, inspections and compliance ?_checks.

- Shall be responsible for overseeing the implementation and operation of the Projects' Quality Plans at all levels.
- Shall ensure proper coordination with all Quality Management staff to ensure consistency of Quality Management performance as per best international practices.
- Provide monthly updates for Quality performance & improvements for every project under the GEC supervision to PWA representatives.
- Ensure that all Quality Assurance/Management related requirements as per the projects' contract documents and QCS are being fully implemented and complained.
- Ensure the conduction of, at least, Quarterly Quality Performance audits and as & when needed to the projects' Contractors Quality Management system & their implementation of the Project's specific Quality Plan. And report the findings to PWA.
- Perform periodical, at least Quarterly Audits for the competency of his Quality Assurance/Management staff for handling their assigned duties and direct proper actions with this regard as needed. As well as performing periodic assessments for the competency & performance of the Quality Management/Assurance staff on the projects' Contractors and report the findings to PWA representatives.


- (14) years` experience in Quality Management Techniques of construction projects
- Bachelor's Degree in Civil Engineering or Equivalent
- PWA/Ashghal Experience (LRDP)- Required

- ISO 9001:2015 - Lead auditor Certificate (Preferred)
- MMUP (Preferred)

About the Company

ITALCONSULT is an Italian engineering consulting company established in Rome in 1957 by the largest industrial groups of that time for giving evidence throughout the world of the Italian know-how and capacity to perform engineering.

From December 2012, the Company has a new share structure formed by Bevilacqua Engineering Group, actively operating in Italy in the sector of public and private transport infrastructure (with construction costs amounting to more than 12 billion US$ in the last ten years) through the Companies SIS S.p.A. Studio di Ingegneria Stradale and A&S, Autostrade e Strade Engineering S.p.A., now merged into ITALCONSULT, and two groups representatives of the Italian excellence in the economic and financial fields: Intesa Sanpaolo S.p.A., one of the biggest Italian bank very active in supporting infrastructure investments and also in foreign activities (countries of Central Eastern Europe, Middle East and Northern Africa), and Tecnoinvestimenti Srl, belonging to the Italian Chambers of Commerce through TECNOHOLDING S.p.A., enjoying their own national and international network able to foster investment initiatives and programmes as well as to activate bilateral technical-commercial agreements.

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