Ref: KP594-1063

Job description / Role

Employment: Full Time

• Liaise with Lusail city architects and master planners to update and improve the design regulations and design code on urban design aspects.
• Lead and /or co- collaborate in building permits processes update and improvement on urban design related parts.
• Conduct necessary assessment and provide recommendations of building applications for mega development.
• Liaise with other necessary authorities to facilitate the approval process.
• Lead and coordinate with the team in technical reports preparation & implement best practices of architecture at QD.
• Engage in concept designs assessment team of Lusail city developments.
• Handling the mega development processes management and coordination with internal and external relevant authorities to facilitate permitting and various related applications.


• Bachelor’s degree (BSc.) in Engineering Architecture, urban planning, or urban design.
• 5+ years of progressive experience in Architecture , urban planning, or urban design.
• Demonstrate high level of proficiency in Auto CAD/ArchiCAD and other relevant graphic software.
• Excellent level in English language.

About the Company

Qatar Project Management (QPM) is an independent subsidiary of Barwa Real Estate Development Company that provides expertise in Project Management, Design Management, Construction Management, and Contract Administration together with other associated Project Management functions. Established in 2008, QPM is centralized platform for provision of Project Management services to Barwa and Qatari Diar as well as local and international markets. QPM provides these services through an in-house team of highly-skilled, motivated, and qualified professionals supported by state-of-the-art information technology and highly-effective Project Management systems.

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